Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Ratings System

As I continue to add lens reviews, this is the format I will be using for the gear I test.

1. (Poor): a crime against photography/astronomy
2. (Fair)
3. (Average): you get what you pay for
4. (Good)
5. (Excellent): among the best out there

1. Build Quality:
how well it is put together
2. Autofocus: speed and accuracy
3. Optics: distortion, vignetting, CA, flare/ghosts, macro, bokeh
          Astronomy: for those who care, infinity hard stop and coma
4. Value: versus the competition and long-term durability
5. Conclusion: overall opinion
6. Samples (hopefully because I'm not racing to the post office to return a piece of crap before I'm dinged for a restocking fee)

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